本篇笔记和cs61b有很多的重复之处,相对来说我会对61b做的更加详细一点 除了图论的部分,请参照这篇笔记。末尾有我期末复习时记录的一些错题,但并未很详细
bonus problem1 queque using two stacks.
never test your code in PTA, be careful to submit in PTA
some tips of C IO
If we want use scanf and getchar together, and we should pay attention that scanf will leave a '\n\' and will be received by next getchar()
part1 algorithm analysis
time complexity
We usual express the time complexity of an algorithm by T(n), in which n is the parameter the algorithm needs.
An important example, how to calculate the time complexity of recursive function like Fibonacci
compare the algorithms by an example of MaxSubsequenceSum
Given integers array A1 to An, find the maximum value of sum of subarray from Ai to Aj
The most obvious thought is to use three loops and check every possible subarray. It is O(n).
But we can make some changes, it is easy to find we only need two loops
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Besides, when we have O(n^2) complexity, we can refer to O(nlog(n));
- In the question, we can use divide and conquer(分治法). Devide and conquer are recurive mostly, the expression
is T(N)=2*T(N/2) + cN, T(1)=O(1); T(N)=2^kO(1)+ckN 2这个系数是在本题的情形下,但系数不影响我们的时间复杂度 - On-line algorithms. Awesome, we can use an algorithm make complexity by O(n).
If the former part of subsequence, they must be deleted.
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logarithms in the running time
Logarithms is about the logn in the time complexity. For example, the binary search is a good representation of logarithms
Binary search can use loop or recursion. We cna write a recursive expression.
Tips: binary search need the array is already sorted, which also need the array to be static. If we always add and delete data, it will take a lot of time to maintian the sorted array
check the analysis
If T(N)=O(N) check if T(2N)/T(N) = 2;
N^2 4
T(N)=O(f(N)), check If T(N)/f(N) is contant.
N need to be large enough.
part2 lists, stacks, quences
abstract data type (ADT
data type={object}+{operations}.
The abstract data type is separated from its implementation.
the list ADT
objects: item0, item1, ... itemN-1
operations: refer to book, insert, delete and find are most important.
list examples
- polynimial
不要用指数作为下标,会导致空间浪费,建议是struct array or struct linked list.
- mutilists
40000 students and 2000 courses, we want to know each student's courses, and use course to know
who choose this course
We cam use array[40000][2000] but it wastes a lot of space.
So, we can use mutilists
circular queue
front and rear
what is empty and what is full?
the basic features of tree
The choice of root is important of the features of the tree.
Tree is composed of the N nodes and N-1 edges.
The roots are the nodes without parents
The leaves are the nodes without children - The number of node in the tree can be empty.
- The subtrees of a node can't be connected, there is no loop in the tree.
- **the degree of the node ** the number of subtrees of the node
- **the degree of the tree ** the max degree of the node max{degree(node)}
- parent is the node has subtrees
children are the nodes have parent
siblings are children have the same parent - the path from one node to another is unique, the length of the path is the number of edges between.
- the depth of node is the length of path between it and root, the depth of root is 0.
- the height of node is the longest length of the path between it and the leaves
- the height of tree is the height of root 对于单根节点的树,height为0
- ancestors of a node are the nodes between it and the root
descendants of a node are the nodes in its subtrees.
some special trees
- binary trees: the degree of the node is the less than 2
The pointer of the binary tree is the 2*n but the not-null pointers is n-1, it is waste.
the implementation of the tree
The most direct way to implement the tree is the linked list, however the number of pointers is uncertain
But we can make some modified, each point have the two pointers, to the FirstChild and the NextSibling. It can finish but the implementation of the same tree may be different in this way.
The implementation of FirstChild-NextSibling can turn all trees to binary tree.
create the expression tree
we can use the postfix expression to create the expression treep
the traversal of the tree
To visit each node exactly once,
preorder root is the first
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postorder root is the last
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inorder 只针对二叉树版本
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thread tree
binary tree
properties of binary tree
n0 n1 n2
skewed binary tree.
complete binary tree
priority queues (heaps)
The min tree is the tree that its children always smaller than its parent. And the min heap is the completed min tree.
delete the element with the highest/lowest priority
Insert and delete min
insertion is random and the deletion is always the lowest
binary heap
- structure property: it is a complete binary tree, which is a sequential set of perfect binary tree. (完美二叉树从上到下,从左到右编号,完全二叉树是其中连续的子集)
- 插入需要构建一个完全二叉树,以最小堆为例,保证子节点大于父节点
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delete min
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decrease key 对于一个key的value,降低它的值,也就是提高它的优先级
increase key 做相反的操作
delete key 删除key对应的结点 先decrease key使其变为根节点 然后delete min
build heap 先不管顺序直接建立堆 从最大非叶子节点开始到根节点,各做一次percolateDown O(N)
disjoint set
the definition of equivalence relation
The equivalence relation over S if and only if it is symmetric, reflexive and transitive over S.
symmetric 对称性
reflexive 自反性
transitive 传递性
equivalence class is the subclass of a set and all of elements in it has equivalence.
(2,4) = (1,(2,3))=(1,(1,(2,2)))=(1,(1,(1,(1,2))))
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V(G): the set of vertices, which is nonempty
E(G): the set of edges, can be empty
In undirected graph (v1, v2)=(v2, v1); they are same edge
In directed graph(digraph)
In the lesson FDS, we add some limitation to the graph
- we don't have self loop
- we don't have multiedges between two vertices
some conceptions
- v1 and v2 are adjacent which means there is an edge between them
In directed graph, we called v1 is adjacent to v2 and v2 is adjacent from v1. the edge is incident on v1 and v2 - subgraph V(G1) is subset of V(G)&& E(G1) is the subset of E(G)
- path from v1 to v2 v1, v11, v12 .... v1n, v2
the length of path - simple path there is no repeat vertices in the path, and the only v1 and v2 can be same
- cycle v1==v2
- the graph is connected all of pair of vertices is connected
- the maximal connected subgraph 联通子图中有最多节点的那个
- e is the sum of degree /2
some special graphs
- complete graph: has the maximum number of edges C(n, 2)
- tree is connected and acyclic graph
- DAG is a directed and acyclic graph 有向无环图
- strongly connected directed graph all of pairs of v1 and v2 we can find path from v1 to v2 and v2 to v1.
If it is connected when we overlook the directed feature of edges, we call it weakly connected graph. - strongly connected component is the maximal subgrah that is strongly connected ( a single vertice can be a strongly connected subgraph)
- the number of edges incident to v and for directed graph we have in-degree and out-degree
representation of the graph
** we can use the adjacency matric**
1 2 3 |
a[0][1] is 1 which expresses there is an edge between 0 and 1
如果是无向图的话 只需要存下三角就行 因为是轴对称的
degree 如果是有向图的话要加两遍矩阵再/2
the adjacency lists
对于有向图 每个节点设计两个链表,一个表示出的边,一个表示入的边
topological sort
例子 修课顺序
i is a predecessor of j, which means there a path from i to j.
i is a precedes of j, which means there is
partial order, it is transitive and irreflexive(there is no i->i or circle)
topological order is not single.
We just need to find one in this algorithms
This graph must be a DAG
Always find the vertices which in-degree is 0. (If there is no such vertices, it must be circle in this graph)
1 |
We loop at first and find all of VertexOfDegreeZero then we add the VertexOfDegreeZero to the set during the algorithms
shortest path problem
This problem is no solution in the there is a loop in negative number
unweighted shortest problem
It is also called breadth-first search
dijkstra's algorithms
negative edges graph
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acyclic graph
All-pairs shortest path problem
network flow problems
其终止条件是边长为rational number 有理数
minimum spanning tree
the spanning tree is a tree which consists of V(G) and the subset of E(G)
what is minimum 该生成树的边权重之和最小(边的数目必为V(G)-1
- 使用图中边
- 不重复找点
- 不形成环
- 找小权重的边
kruskal-----maintain a forest ElogE
- 不断地找最短边 小根堆
- 如果两个点已经在同一颗树里了就跳过 并查集
depth first search
like the preorder the search, 但是需要加上一个visited判断防止重复判断(树里面之所以没有因为树的方向是一致的,从父亲到孩子
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articulation point关节点 除去这个点后会造成至少两个连通图
graph is biconnected graph if there is no articulation point in this graph(this graph should be connected at first
biconnected -> 拿掉一个顶点还是联通的 (至少有两个节点)
k-connected -> 拿掉k-1个顶点还是联通的
a biconnected component is a maximal biconnected subgraph(相对于自己来说最大
how to find the biconnected components of a connected undirected G
- use the DFS to obtain the spanning tree
- we will have a tree and a back edges(除了生成树的边以外的边,必然会链接祖先后代,不会是同深度)
- 对于这棵树和back edges 对于root 如果有两个以上孩子,一定是关节点;对于叶节点不可能是关节点;对于其他节点而言,向下走能通过back edges 走到其祖先(自己不算),那么就不是关节点
Low(number)= min(num(number), min(low(child)), min(num(back)))
算出low number,条件化为
- u is a root and has at least 2 children
- u is not the root and has at least 1 child and Low(child)>=num(u)
- the graph has euler circuit is possible only if all vertex has a even degree
- the graph has the euler tour is possible only if all vertex has a even degrees and there are two vertices have odd degree
- DFS,不断找环,然后拼起来
hamilton cycle 的定义
1 |
insertion sort
the lower bound for simple sorting algorithms
做排序的本质是消除逆序,一次相邻交换最多删除一个逆序,平均而言一个数组会有n(n-1)/4 个逆序inversions
shell sort
For example
- make 5-sort 间隔4个元素,做一个插入排序(还是在原来的那几个位置上,例如1 6 11,也只交换这三位元素),做多次直到每个元素都被计算到
- make 3-sort 同理
- the end make 1-sort 对整个数组做插入排序
前置的5-sort and 3-sort已经消除了大部分的逆序对,导致了插入排序的效率提高
define an increment sequence
- questions: 前置的处理是否会使得逆序对增加?首先,我们只会交换逆序数,分三种情况
两交换数外部数字,(>a || <b),逆序数+1 -1 对于该数而言至少没有负受益
tips: hk-1-sort 不会破坏 hk-sort,数或许改变了,但是顺序的正确性未改变
how to define the incremnet sequence
上述例子中我们比较随意地选择了 1 3 5 的排序方式
但实际上我们一般会选择 ht = 向下取整(N/2) hk = 向下取整(hk+1 / 2)(shell's increments)
1 2 |
the worst case is O(N^2) follow shell's increments (每个子序列都是排好序的,但本身是乱序,退化成插入排序
increment seqence is important for the efficiency in the shell sort, it will be better the sequence is all relatively prime(互质)
- if hk = 2^k - 1 ^the worst case become O(N^3/2)
- if hk = 9x4^i^ - 9 x 2^i^ +1 the worst case become O(N^5/4)
- in-place 不需要额外开缓存(至少需要重新开一个地方存数组 shell和插入都是
- stable 不改变相同量的数据的原先顺序(例如给学生年龄排名,a和b同龄,本来a在b前,排序后a也在b前),插入排序是stable,shell排序不是
heap sort
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构建堆(常考,注意在heapsort里没有哨兵,0位是要用的,左孩子变成2i+1 右孩子是2i+2
in-place but not stable
merge sort
merge two sorted list
新开一个数组,开始比较两边的最小数,放进新的数组 O(N)
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O(N+NlogN) 见PPT推导 每层N 一共logN层
tips 链表形式的merge sort,例如heapsort等需要随机访问的,就不能使用linked list
quick sort
fastest known in practice.
做partion, 选择一个元素,把比他小的放一块,比他大的放另一块,再对这两块都递归
- 元素怎么选
- partion如何实现
选择元素 随机,median(left, center, right)
partion 不开缓存,先把选择元素给放到最后一个元素int i = 0; int j = length-2;
混合策略采用sort,quick sort在较小的时候会比insertion慢,所以会采用递归,在较小时使用insertion
T(N) = T(i) + T(N-i-1) + cN
worst case T(N) = T(N-1) + cN; o(N^2)
best case T(N) = 2T(N / 2) + cN; o(N logN)
average case o(NlogN)s
选择第k大元素 -> 看回放
sorting large stuctures
gengeral lower bound for sorting
bucket sort and radix sort
bucket sort
radix sort
simple table, a set of name-attribute pairs, where the names are unique
have m buckets, and each buckets has some slots
hash function should be easy to calculate and the result should be discrete
只用数组完成一个hash table
给hash function 准备一个增量序列 f(i)
例如f(i) = i 当其发生collision时,直接去用f(i)找其他空位
**quadratic probing **
f(i) = i^2 不一定能充分利用hash表的空间
table size 是质数,一半是空的,一定能插入
table size 是质数,并且为4*i+3的形式,f(i) = 正负i^2 一定能探测所有位置
lazy delete
double hashing
f(i) = i * hash2(x)
hash2 = R - (x%R)
- hash2(X) !=0 不恒等于0
- 大多数区域要能被探测到
- 重建一个新表,size扩大两倍左右,保持素数size
- 重新插入所有元素
- 用新的hash function
T(N) = O(N) 有N个元素需要插入
- 半空
- 冲突时
- 设定一个上限
- the major task of algorithms analysis is time complexity and space complexity
- 记得确认循环的真正实现次数
- fibonacci number sequence's time complexity and space complexity
the space complexity is O(N)
the time complexity is O(N^2) - consecutive
- to merge two singly linked ascending list both N node into one linked ascending list, the minimum possible number of comparsions is N
- enqueue 入队列 dequeue 出队列 1->2->3 enqueued 4 1->2->3->4
- HW4
- In a binary search tree which contains several integer keys including 4, 5, and 6, if 4 and 6 are on the same level, then 5 must be their parent. F
- HW5 2-3 2-5
- delete the tree 2个节点 就找到右边最小的
- 叶子节点不止最后一层!
- If the inorder and the postorder traversal sequences of a binary tree have exactly the same order, then none of the nodes in the tree has a right subtree. T
- The minimum spanning tree of a connected weighted graph with vertex set V={ A, B, C, D, E } and weight set W={ 1, 3, 2, 5, 1, 7, 9, 8, 4} must be unique. T
- The sum of the degrees of all the vertices in a connected graph must be an even number. T
- Given an undirected graph, and the edge set of a DFS from V0 as: {(V0,V1) , (V0,V4) , (V1,V2) , (V1,V3) , (V4,V5) , (V5,V6)} . Which one the following cannot be the sequence of another DFS?
[ ] A.
V0, V4, V5, V6, V1, V2, V3
[ ] B.
V0, V2, V1, V3, V4, V5, V6
[ ] C.
V0, V6, V4, V5, V1, V2, V3
[X] D.
V0, V1, V5, V4, V6, V2, V3 * symmetric 对称性
reflexive 自反性
transitive 传递性 * If the hash values of n keys are all the same, and linear probing is used to resolve collisions, then the minimum total number of probings must be __ to insert these n keys .
[ ] A.
n(n−1) / 2
[ ] B.
2n + 1
[ ] C.
[X] D.
n(n+1) / 2 初始也算一次probe
* 单个顶点是一个联通分量 最多的联通分量——所有边都在一个完全图里面 最少的联通分量——所有边展开
* During finding all articulation points in a connected graph, if v1 is the parent of v2 in the depth-first tree, Num(v1) must be less than Num(v2). T
* 在找联通分量和割点的算法中 nun(u)是这个点被DFS找到的顺序,从0开始编号,low(u)是这个点所能达到的最低点编号 有一个child 并且low(child) >= num(u) u是割断点,还有root是特殊的
* 注意前面的必须全部完成
* ### 1. n0 = n2 + 1
总结点数 =n0 + n1 + n2 (度为0、1、2的结点数之和)
总结点数 = n1 + 2n2 + 1 (度为1、2的结点的分支+根节点)
相减得:n0 = n2 + 1 二叉树的性质